Sunday, February 28, 2010
Do You Last?
by Peter James
But one man out of three considers that they ejaculate too quickly. A man can suffer a great deal of self-doubt if he feels he suffers from premature ejaculation, and his partner can suffer from frustration as well. The average male between 18 and 20 orgasms within three minutes. As we mature, this slows some- what, but experience as much as physical age is responsible for this. Even if a man doesn't care to go all night, he will probably want to last more than three minutes! There are two questions to ask yourself in order to decide if you last long enough. Ones to ask yourself if you are satisfied when you orgasm.
Apart from impressing your partner, do you feel that you came when you wanted to, giving yourself the maximum pleasure.
The second question is do you usually come before your partner('s). Some women have great difficulty in reaching orgasm, especially during intercourse, but if you have multiple partners who seem to expect orgasm yet you finish before they can reach it, then perhaps you suffer from premature ejaculation.
If you feel that you do orgasm too quickly, there are a couple things you can try right off for a quick fix, although both will take away some of your pleasure, as well. One is you can try wearing a condom - or even two - to decrease the sensation. You can also try commercial delaying sprays or creams that work by slightly numbing the penis.
Many men also try masturbating before a hot date. They find that having come once in a day, they take longer to come a second time. This can work for many men, but on the other hand, you may enjoy orgasm with a partner more, and you might not always know before hand that you are going to have sex.
In order to learn to control your orgasm, you have to discover at what exact point you cannot turn back. You will need to masturbate very slowly without a partner, and pay attention to what you are feeling. At a certain point, you will find the exact feeling that occurs just before you orgasm. If you learn to recognize that feeling, you will be able to redirect your thoughts or to briefly stop moving just before it occurs. Some men briefly squeeze the base of their penis for a minute till the feeling subsides. At that point, you can continue.
Some men think about unpleasant things like income tax or being stuck in a cold rain, but also this often does work, this will also lessen your pleasure.
Strengthening the pubococcygeus muscle can also help delay orgasm. It is the same muscle you use to stop urination in mid stream. Try stopping while you are urinating several times to get a feel for what the muscle feels like in use. It is also the muscle you use when your penis is erect and you make it bob up and down. There are exercises you can do to help strengthen that muscle. The simplest would be to get an erection and make your penis bob up and down till your muscle gets tired, but never continue till it is painful. Do this every other day, just like you would work out any smaller muscle. Then practice using it to sort of hold things back.
Remember that sex is all about pleasure, but it is also about genetics. Man was designed to impregnate women, and that meant faster orgasms to allow multiple attempts at fertilization. Coming too rapidly can often be caused by worry and performance anxiety.
The best thing you can do during sex is have fun and enjoy what you're doing!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Do women like a lot of cum?
Yet another one of the questions that men like to ask themselves, whether they are successful in their love life or not. These are the little details that still make sex a wonder even for experienced players. So, do women like a lot of cum?
The answer is a big "YES". Like it or not, the standards for beauty and sex appeal are encoded deep in our genes and we have little choice about certain things whether we like or dislike them. Most women like self-assured and opinionated men and this holds true regardless of all the "inner feelings" hype from the '70s. Just like the big penis, a hairy chest or a deep voice, women see the large load of cum as part of the top male inventory.
It does not really matter if women see a bigger load as messy or gross on the rational level of their brain. They still like it deep inside because it pushes buttons in the most basic part of their minds. Just like men still fall for a big pair of breasts despite all the fashion trends that swept over this world.
Which brings us to the next logical question: if I have a small load, how do I make it bigger. Well, since the happiness of your ladies is at stake, I will provide you with a quick answer. The thing to do is to get your hands on some of those wonderful herbs, like Musli and Reishi Mushrooms, that helped men since the dawn of time to increase their sexual performance.
Alternatively you could go for a product that contains most of the sperm count and erection boosters known to man. With up to 500 percent reported gains in sperm volume, the VolumePills is the ultimate tool for the man who feels like moving out of the average crowd and closer to the top.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Do penis exercises REALLY work?
Penis enlargement is a special issue in today’s world. Buried underneath tons of unsolicited emails promising the most unlikely results, plagued by dishonest practitioners and obscured by myths and hearsay, the honest traders of this industry have pushed forward with their products and services. Most of the time, men prefer to turn away and say enlargement does not work, even though they have no idea whether this is true or not. Hearsay is just as good as sound, hands-on information if one is not really interested in the issue or if one is afraid of the truth.
Many people are keen to dismiss penis exercises as myths even though they are not familiar with the facts. Penis exercises have been around in one form or other for a very long time. Primitive tribes are still using weights, various objects and exercises to force parts of the human body to change size and achieve a new look. The women of the Paduang tribe use metal rings to lengthen their necks, while the people from other tribes hang weights from their lips or ear lobes in order to reach their own standards of beauty. Chinese women of high birth had their feet shrunk in order to fit the local ideal of a sexy look. With all these going on, why should it be so hard to believe that the penis was ignored?
Especially since we know that it was not. Various penis enlargement techniques have also been reported, especially among the nomad Arabic tribes. Body enhancement techniques performed by males were always tied to the position of the person in question within the tribe or with the manhood initiation rites. It seems that men found early on that the human body can be modified using devices or exercises. The only traction devices at their disposal for a long period of time were weights, but stretching the penis using one’s own hands was just as good as any device.
The basic principle behind body enhancement is the adaptability of the human body in response to external stimuli. Everybody knows that the extra physical effort put into working out at the gym will trigger an increase in the size of the muscles that have to sustain the effort. Thus, repeated exercises focused on the penis, like the ones offered by Penis Health, will force the body to start multiplying the cells that make up the penis tissues and to increase both the length and girth of the penis in order to cope with the new situation.
The best known penis enlargement exercise is the Jelq. This exercise is designed to enlarge the penis using milking movements in order to increase the blood flow into the corpora cavernosa, the sponge-like tissues of the penis. The increased blood flow will, in time, force the tissues to expand and increase both the flaccid and erect sizes of the penis. Dr. Brian Richards has conducted a study of penis enlargement exercises in the 1970s and found that jelq helped nearly 90 percent of patients increase their penis size. The gains ranged in size, of course, but it was proven that men could add an inch or even more to their penises.
Penis Health is one of the best penis exercises programs around. Hundreds of customers have successfully enlarged their penises using the exercises developed by the people at Penis Health. You don’t have to take anything on faith. Just browse the Mens Network forum and discuss gains with the registered users or browse the Penis Health site and read through the signed testimonials and opinions culled from forum posts. Customers are content with the program and excited about the results. We think there’s nothing better for a man’s confidence than an extra inch or two on his penis.
Despite the rabid skepticism of those cannot be bothered to check the facts, common sense and evidence point to the fact that penis enlargement exercises do work. No man who could use an extra inch or two in length or girth should write them off until he’s actually tried them. Many skeptics have been pleasantly surprised by our program of exercises, so why not give it a go? There’s nothing to lose and a whole world of sexual pleasure and self-respect to gain.
Friday, February 19, 2010
DIY Penis Stretcher
Penis extenders are en-vogue these days. They are so popular that a lot of people have tried to replicate these devices at home. As one forum member pointed out: "Easiest doesn't always mean safe. Cause the easiest thing I can think of is a rope tied around your head and attached to you leg or some other weight source, but that is not safe at all." And another: "Easiest in my eyes is sticking your cock in a vacuum cleaner for several hours a day. Not safe though."
Homemade penis extenders are not a safe option when it comes to penis enlargement. It’s pretty difficult to achieve the kind of smoothly finished surfaces that you will find in professional devices. Not to mention that when it comes to penis extenders proper use, there can be no question that the homemade device will never be perfectly balanced.
What would happen if it pulls more to the right than to the left? No doubt, homemade penis extenders are simple to build and they don’t cost all that much. Plus you can find a lot of information and articles about how to make your very own penis extenders if you read the forums. There is a wealth of information available on these subjects. However, there is little info on what happens when you end up in the emergency room because you’ve attached a rope with weights to your penis.
The most common risks:
- Cuts and bruises. This happens because the materials you use at home do not have the smooth surface needed to protect the very sensitive skin that covers your penis. Cuts and bruises will almost never leave permanent marks on your skin, but they are very, very painful. Not to mention that there can be no question of sexual intercourse during the healing period. To do away with cuts and bruises, just stop whatever it was you were doing and don’t start again. Arnica oil is a great topical agent for bruises, sprains and strains and very helpful with inflammation and pain relief.
- Nerve damages and/or blood vessel damages. This happens when you interrupt the flow of blood for too long a period or when you constrict a sensitive area using more pressure than you should. If you experience any loss in sensations on any part of your penis or if your penis starts to change color to blue-green go to hospital emergency room right away. This is very serious and should be addressed by specialized medical staff.
I do believe that if you want to get great results and be safe all in the same time you should try to buy a certified device, one that has passed a few quality checks before it hit the market. You only have one penis and there’s no point really in taking chances with it using an unsafe device.
Penis extenders do work wonderful and many men are extremely happy for being bold enough to try them. If you want to experience the feeling of having the penis size that really makes you confident in perfect safety, buy a quality device and read the instructions carefully.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Disorders of the penis
The male sexual organ can be affected by several disorders ranging in severity from swelling to nerve entrapment and impotence. These disorders should be brought to the attention of a trained physician and some of them require surgery.
The simplest disorder is the swelling of the foreskin, which can result from sexual activity, including masturbation. This disorder is called Oedema and it is practically harmless as long as the foreskin is in the normal position and the blood flow is present. However, a doctor’s advice should be sought if the swelling persists, since this could be pointing toward chronic heart disease.
Paraphimosis is the inability to move the foreskin over the glans either from fluid trapped in a foreskin which is left retracted or from the accumulation of fluid in the foreskin after intense sexual activity. The condition can be treated by simple means. If it persists for several hours, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.
Peyronie’s disease is one of the most common penis disorders. It is characterized by a curvature of the penis caused by anomalous scar tissue. Surgery is usually needed only in severe cases.
Accidents and hard cycle seats can be the source of damage to the pudendal nerve. The pudendal nerve entrapment is characterized by pain on sitting and loss of sensation and orgasm. It should not be confused with the loss of sensation caused by permanent nerve damage from diabetes or peripheral neuropathy.
As with other muscles, the penis can be torn by excessive bent. Penile fracture should be treated as soon as possible in order to prevent permanent damage.
Priapism is a painful medical condition in which the erect penis fails to return to the flaccid state. Potential complications include ischaemia, thrombosis, and impotence. In serious cases the condition may result in gangrene, which may necessitate amputation.
The best-known disorder of the penis is impotence, today known as erectile dysfunction. Impotence is the inability to reach or maintain the erect state of the penis in order to have a satisfactory sexual performance.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Different Methods of Penis Enhancement
There are several methods of penis enhancement, all of which provide varying levels of success.
One is the use of traction device. The use of traction to enhance the penis is based on the principle of tensile force and the body's ability to adapt under such influence. By exposing the cells in the penis chambers to a durable and constant traction, the cells will begin to divide and multiply, thus increasing the tissue mass. This process allows the penis chambers to hold more blood than it could before. As a result, enlargement can be noticed in both length and width (girth) of the penis.
For centuries, this principle of traction has been used to enlarge different parts of the body. Evidence of this is seen in the neck lengthening exploits of the famous Paduang or giraffe (long necked) women hill tribe found in the border of Northern Thailand and Myanmar (Burma), as well as the lip and earlobe stretching practices of certain African tribes.
Natural penis exercise, on the other hand, is by far the most popular and safest method of penis enhancement. It relies on the principle that as cells within an area exposed to frequent motion, they tend to divide and multiply. Constant pressure exerted by the penis exercises helps maintain a high rate of cell division and multiplication that speeds up the enlargement process.
Individually, these methods may be effective. But when used simultaneously with one another, this combination of traction device and exercises can truly produce superior results.
These same methods are found in SizeGenetics’ all-in-one penis enhancement system. SizeGenetics combines all the most effective tools in penile enhancement today. It combines an enlargement device and penis exercises to guarantee larger, fuller, and longer lasting erections and peak sexual performance every time.
SizeGenetics provides an easy, non-surgical, and break-through solution designed to aid in penile enhancement. It comes at a very competitive price too.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Different Cultures and Circumcision (How They Do It)
Circumcision is fundamentally, the partial or total elimination of the male genitalia's foreskin. This procedure is executed for various reasons, the most common being the obligations imposed by various religions. As such, many ritualistic activities accompany the procedure. Circumcision is, at present, performed in several countries with various cultural histories, among which are the Jewish and Muslim countries, West African countries, the United States and some Asian countries, like South Korea and the Philippines. In the three last-mentioned countries, circumcision involves a simple medical procedure and hardly involves any symbolism and ritual. The most prolific and symbolic use of circumcision involves the Jewish, African and Muslim cultures, which are deeply immersed in their religions.
For the Jews, circumcision is viewed as a portion of the covenant God concluded with Abraham. This procedure, called the Bris Milah, is carried out on the child during the 8th day reckoned from his birth. The person performing the surgery is called the Mohel, who is trained in both the surgical procedure and the appropriate Jewish law or religious provision. The Mohel is the only qualified person in Jewish law to perform the Bris because only he is acquainted with both the physical and spiritual facets of the entire ritual. The circumcision ritual involves a "sandek" or godfather, who must hold the child while the surgery is being performed. A vacant chair is also placed on one side, from which, the prophet Elijah can watch over the ritual in its entirety. After several blessings and the giving of the child's proper Hebrew name, the surgery is then performed by stretching the prepuce through an opening in a metal shield, then cutting the projecting skin.
Muslims also perform circumcision for the religious purposes contained in the Hadith, which is a collection of traditions and sayings made by Muhammad. Some Muslims perform this process, called the Khitan, on the child's 8th day, others between the sixth and eleventh years, and yet others on the thirteenth year of the child's life. The process itself entails the elimination of the outer skin or prepuce so that the glans will become exposed for the child's entire life. In some Muslim countries, no accompanying rituals are observed in the process because some consider the latter to have merely a hygienic purpose. For Africans, especially those undergoing the Xhosa ceremony, the ritual lasts for several days and involves countless tests and symbolic activities. The circumcision day itself entails the burning of all that the child used during the tests and thereafter burying the removed foreskin.
Since the Ancient Egyptian period, at which time circumcision was first recorded, until the present, the custom of circumcision has achieved notoriety all over the world. In fact, at this time, the debate still continues regarding its safety and moral soundness. One side of the argument states that circumcision is nothing but an immoral and cruel degradation of the human body. Moreover, since the procedure usually involves young boys, some people consider it both psychologically and physically damaging to the subject. The other side, however, not only proclaims that it is safe and virtually immune from any complication, but also lauds the incident benefits to the subject's hygiene. They say that the procedure ensures a young boy's cleanliness and protects him from diseases caused by accumulated bacteria and other harmful agents in the foreskin. Regardless of the soundness of either argument, it is nevertheless important to be informed about such a controversial and popular surgical procedure.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Curing Peyronie’s disease
For those of you who don’t know, Peyronie’s disease is a condition bearing the name of Francois de la Peyronie, a famous doctor in his time surgeon to King Louis XIV of France. He was the first man to describe this rare condition in 1743, when not much was known about the inner workings of the penis. And while the cause of this disease is not clear, there is enough info on its development for us to provide a simple description here.
“Tunica Albuginea” is the tougher layer of connective tissue that surrounds the soft Corpora Cavernosa. For reasons unknown to science at this moment, scar tissue begins to form in the “Tunica Albuginea”. This tissue prevents the normal expansion of the penis during erections and, in time, forms a permanent bend in the penis to one side or the other.
The disease is somewhat painful at first, but the pain eventually goes away on its own. There is no need to resort to painkillers or to fear falling into the trap of long-term abuse of such pills. The only effect of this disease is the curvature, which is visible when the penis is erect, and possibly a shortening of the penis in the flaccid state. Most men suffering from it are able to have sex with their partners and experience no pain during intercourse. Nevertheless, as the angle of the curvature draws close to 90 degrees, intercourse becomes more and more of a problem.
The disease can affect men of all races and ages, but it is most commonly seen in Caucasian males ages 40 and up. It is not contagious and is in no way related to cancer or other serious conditions. There is no known universal cure and some of the men which science was able to help have experienced relapses. The list of treatments developed to fight Peyronie’s disease is quite large, but not one of them was proved to be the best solution to the problem.
One of the most recommended treatments is surgery. Severe cases are always solved through the insertion of implants via surgical intervention. A couple of years ago, surgery was the method of choice for treating Peyronie’s disease because there were no proven alternatives. Penile implants are plastic cylinders, either solid or inflatable, which are placed inside the Corpora Cavernosa. The surgeon can either place the implants inside the penis and let them do the work of straightening out the organ, or he can try to bend the penis against the plaque in order to increase the implant’s chance of successfully correcting the curvature.
Yet another widespread way of attempting to treat Peyronie’s disease is the use of tissue grafts. This procedure entails the complete surgical removal of the lump of plaque that develops on the penis and straightening the penis in order to bring it back to the original shape. Doctors tend to advise patients to accept this approach in cases featuring large plaques or severely bent penises.
However, the most widely used method for straightening congenital curvature of the penis is the Nesbit Procedure. During this procedure the penis is filled with a sterile physiologic salt solution in order to cause an artificial erection. The surgeon gathers with a clamp the outer side of the bend, which forces the Tunica Albuginea to straighten the penis.
Other promising treatments focus on the use of Collagenase injections to break down the plaque and remove it or Verapamil injections to prevent new plaque from forming. One of the most popular treatments uses Vitamin E to help the skin heal and reduce the plaque. Since the skin healing properties of Vitamin E have been known for quite some time, the use of this vitamin to contain Peyronie’s has been a popular solution since the 1940s. Another widespread treatment is Potaba, a short form of the proper technical name: Potassium aminobenzoate. Recent studies have shown that Potaba can help men suffering from Peyronie’s disease to a certain extent, but it’s unclear how effective this substance is.
And one of the best ways of dealing with Peyronie’s disease is to use a traction device to straighten the penis. Despite the controversy surrounding such novel approaches as traction devices, several clinical studies have already been conducted in order to assess the effectiveness of this technique. The traction device, which is part of the SizeGenetics penis enlargement program, works by forcing the tissue that makes up the penis to expand instead of retracting and increasing the curve. By using the SizeGenetics device on a regular basis, the men who took part in clinical studies have been able to reduce their curvatures and maintain or increase the size of their penises.
The traction device was classified as a Medical Device Type 1 by the health authorities of the European Union and bears the CE sing, while the manufacturing process is fully compliant with the ISO13485:2003 and ISO90001:2000 quality management standards. Included in the SizeGenetics package is a free membership to PenisHealth, the penis exercises program featuring a series of exercises designed to decrease the curvature caused by Peyronie’s disease. Members of this program can learn to increase the length and girth of their penises, correct curvatures, prevent premature ejaculation and maintain sexual fitness throughout the years.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Curing Impotence with the Power of the Mind
Impotence is a man's inability or difficulty to have or maintain an erection. Although a lot of physical causes may be attributed to impotence, there are also psychological factors that lead to it. Some of these can be depression, stress and pressures about home or work, anxiety, relationship problems and arguments, insecurities and a low self-esteem, and even sexual boredom and the loss of intimacy. These problems can be addressed as psychosomatic problems since these situations are affected by psychological factors or the emotion.
When this is the case, then there are very high chances of curing the impotence. It may sound difficult at first, especially if you do not want to resolve the problem or you fear it, or worse is that you are unaware of the situation. However, when you have accepted that there is a problem and there is a need to work on it, then you can try different ways to treat psychosomatic impotence by using psychology as well. One does not need to turn to medications or surgery right away.
One treatment that you can undergo is Psychosexual Therapy. In psychosexual therapy or psychotherapy, the man and his partner are given techniques or exercises to help them renew their intimacy, sexual relation, sexual interests, and arousal. This can be done through talks, discussions, and activities that can lift the stress or anxiety that hasten impotence.
Another cure for impotence can be behavior modification. A new and positive outlook about one's self, performance, and even his partner can bring about change and improvements. Behavior modification can really take time, but it is also cheaper and does not only help cure impotence, it also improves one's personality.
To do this, here are a few suggested tips:
. Do a little reality check including a check on your personal situation and your present situation with your partner. What do you really feel about yourself, your member, and your partner?
. Talk with your partner to make things easier and lighter. It lifts up your burden and at the same time you are confident that there is someone who listens to you. If your partner is the one that's putting the strain on you, all the more that you should talk. Ask what your partner wants, say what you want, and come into a solution. You have to speak up and work things out together without turning into an argument.
. Your lifestyle is very important and it affects your penile health a great deal, so do a check on your lifestyle. Just like taking care of the rest of your body, you should also take care of your penis. Trim down your fat, alcohol and nicotine or tobacco intake. Eat healthier and try to do some exercises. If possible, get into an exercise program or visit the gym regularly.
. If you still have more concerns, then it's time that you should seek professional advice from a trained therapist or doctor. Remember that you should not be ashamed of your situation and that you are not the only one suffering from it.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Cumming too fast?
Do you reach orgasm faster than you can say, "Fuck"? Many men dread this situation, and with good reason. Cumming too early or too fast robs you and your partner of the pleasure that sexual intercourse can give. This is believed to be the most common sexual complaint of couples. About 29 percent of men are reportedly bothered by these episodes.
There are many reasons why a man "cums" too fast. Biologically, men experience climax much earlier than women. They do so 2-3 minutes after penetration, in contrast to women who take their time (about 12-14 minutes). Likewise, there are also psychological factors that bring about early ejaculation. These include guilt, anxiety (lack of experience), or fear of sexually transmitted infections, potential pregnancy, etc. Older men are also known to be able to control their ejaculation as compared with their younger counterparts. They credit it to their experience.
So, how can you control yourself from ejaculating too quickly? One way is to exercise your PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, which is the primary "sexual muscle" that forms part of the pelvis. The PC muscle is largely involved with sexual functions such as ejaculation and orgasm. With regular exercise, this muscle can provide firmer and larger erections, powerful ejaculations and more intense climaxes.
So where is this muscle located? Try stopping the flow of your urine midway. The PC muscle, located between the anus and scrotum, is the one you contracts when you try to stop the flow of your urine.
How to go about exercising your PC muscles? Try clenching and releasing your PC muscle in ten-second periods. Perform three sets of this. Take a breather. Now, try the clench-and-release technique for five seconds. Perform ten sets of this. This time, try tightening the muscle for 30 seconds and relaxing for 30 seconds. Perform three sets of this.
This exercise is rather simple and easy to perform. You can do it by yourself -- just about anytime and anywhere. You don't need any device or contraption to exercise your PC muscle. But, like all exercise regimens, you need to commit to a routine devotedly. Famous porn stars, with explosive cumshots, are even rumored to perform these exercises faithfully.
So next time you and your partner are making love, try to go inside her and pause for awhile. Don't move for several seconds; then try tightening and relaxing your PC muscle.
You also have to keep in mind that different women also prefer different types of sex. Some prefer the long and sensual approach; while others favor the pound-pound-pound approach. It's always better to know your partner's preference so that you can both enjoy an intimate sexual fun.
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