With the spread of obesity throughout the industrialized world and a series of warnings about this growing problem from the rest of the world, many questions have been raised about how would obesity influence millions of lives. One such question is the title of this article. No studies have been performed yet to determine whether obesity has a direct impact on the quality of sperm, but science has already identified several indirect links between obesity and a decrease in the quality of sex and sperm.
What we know for a fact is that overweight and obese people tend to cut down on effort whenever they can. This has a big influence on sex since regular effort is crucial to the secretion of testosterone by the body. Testosterone does not regulate the quality of sperm, but it does influence the sex drive and the growth of spermatogenic tissue in the testes. It is this tissue that performs the very production of sperm. A decrease in the normal level of testosterone, which is bound to happen to every “couch potato” person who tends to avoid effort, leads to a drop in the libido. The individual is no longer as interested in sex as before, nor does he get as much pleasure from it as he used to. Combined with the frequent exposure to substances that mimic the effects of the estrogen hormone, the low level of testosterone may lead to shrinking penis and testicles.
Moreover, people who are overweight or obese may have unbalanced diets that tend to leave out foods rich in zinc. Zinc is one of the most important minerals that enters the human body through food. It is found in oysters, beans, nuts and seeds. A deficiency of zinc, resulting from the inadequate intake or absorption of zinc, is marked by hair loss, skin lesions and wasting of body tissues. Zinc is very important for the production of sperm and for maintaining the quality and motility of sperm. Without enough zinc, the quality of sperm will suffer.
Therefore we recommend to all overweight persons to try the powerful ProShape rx. This product is based on powerful natural substances, such as the amazing Hoodia Gordonii, that promote the burning of stored fat and prevent the body from storing energy as new fat. Hoodia Gordonii is used in dietary supplements and weight loss pills to curb the feeling of hunger and help users find the motivation they need to get through with restrictive diets. Aside from this top quality weight loss product, we also recommend VolumePills as a way of boosting your sex life and making sure you receive your daily supply of zinc. These pills are sure to keep the quality of your sperm at the highest mark.