According to leading urologists 388 men out of 100,000 suffer from penile curvatures, so the next time you go to the gym and feel self-conscious, don’t worry. They have been there too.
But here is the great news… you don’t have to put up with this. Nor do you have to put your body through the trials of surgery and intra-penile steroid injections to put it right. At SizeGenetics we can help.
But first let us first show you: why it happens?
What causes a bent penis?
Commonly known as peyronie’s disease, penile curvature is a result of fibrous tissue developing on the tunica albugiena of the penis. And the end result? A lump or hard band of tissue focussed around the centre of your penis, with a 30% curvature when erect.
Peyonie’s is normally found in men aged between 40-70, but some men in their teens have been diagnosed with the condition.
And it is here where the problem begins. This slight curvature can make sex either uncomfortable, painful or in some cases even impossible.
You see, women may be built to accommodate for your penis size – 4-9 inches… it doesn’t matter. But their vaginas are not made to cope with curvatures.
You can change this.
At SizeGenetics we can offer you a unique type 1 medical device that is clinically proven to increase your penis length by 30% in as little 24 weeks, and at the same time correct penile angulations.
And all it takes for you to boost your penis size by 2.75 inches and enjoy the results… is 2-3 hours of your time every day.
And we think you will be impressed with the results. Not only will you and your partner be enjoying the best sex of your life, you will be able to experiment with new and exciting positions without having to worry about your penis.
Using our unique traction device, you can offer your body a natural cure for peyronie’s disease without the risk of impotency or deformation.
Plus, in no time you’ll be experiencing great and satisfying sex that will not only be pain free but fun too.
For just £226.11 you can also benefit from:
• Medical Type 1 device
• Comfort add-on and spare parts
• PenisHealth DVD and online access
• Real sex for real people online DVD
• Seductive Massage online DVD
• Online access to LoveCentria and 54+ DVD’s filled with a variety of tips and sexual positions, that will have your partner asking for more, more, more
And your penile curvature? Will be a thing of the past once you begin experimenting with our DVD range. Your partner will never know it ever even existed…
All she will be concerned with is the new bigger, thicker you.
Order your SizeGenetics device today